New Blog to Talk about Interior Design and Decor and a little about Wallpaper and Wall Murals

Have we met?

In this NEW Blog I get to talk about all the Yummy Interior Design I see everyday without focusing soooo much on wall murals. From time to time you will see some killer wall decor BUT there will be a WHOLE LOT MORE. So get ready for a fun new blog!

My Bio Info about me and my business (

Hi all!

My name is Laurie.

I grew up in a teeny town in New Hampshire on Lake Winnipesaukee. You may remember it being mentioned in the movie “What About Bob?” starring Richard Dreyfuss and Bill Murrey. My family was not really all that much like the locals portrayed in the movie. I felt lucky to surround myself with the gorgeous scenery of the mountains and lake that most people only got to enjoy during their vacation. For me, summers were swimming and boating, fall was picking apples, baking and canning, winter was skiing and spring was plain-old mud season. My parents were into getting us out in nature, reading, travel, music, culture, strong debate about both local and national politics and instilling wholesome values that I have carried with me in life.

After my (almost) ;) idyllic childhood, I lucked into a job working for a company selling wide format printing supplies. From the start, I focused on fine art and high quality printing. Over the years, I became a valued expert in the fine art printing, materials (canvas and watercolor papers) , archival ink and coatings industry. I have worked with some of the top and widely known artists in the world hand-in-hand with manufacturers to bring about an industry standard of vibrant prints with longevity to last in the home decor market. It was a very exciting time and I was very lucky to be there in the very beginning. You see, I loved what my customers could reproduce with these printers.  My love of creativity, art, technology and materials all were put to use. The industry has come a long way since then, but I still love it. All these years of hard work is what makes it possible to even offer something you can use in your home like Customized Walls.

Other things I love:

My Family:  I am happily married to a guy who makes me laugh every day. I have one daughter (Bean-10 ) and am also raising my brother’s three children due some unfortunate circumstances (Spaghetti-11, Sweet Boy-9 and Cookie-7). We also have a gorgeous yellow lab-mix dog, Gavi. We are a big, happy family with lots of hugs, laughs, and a few tears here and there….but mostly love.

My Friends: I have just about the best girl friends that anyone can ask for….some I have known my whole life and some more recently. All are supportive and kind but most of all crack me up…You will usually find us giggling over a bottle of wine while we ignore the above. ;)

My Hobbies: Still swimming, reading, driving around with the top down in my convertible listening to music, travel, good wines, and hanging will all the people I love.

My Business: Working in the printing industry for as many years as I did, I never really fell in love with a product. Things would change and new products would come and the old would go….it was all part of progressing…BUT, when I found this re-positionable wall mural material and worked to make it just what someone like me would use, I fell………..and HARD. You see, I had moved into an old (but uber charming) house in New England a few years before and it had some pretty horrific 1960s wallpaper. At the time, my daughter was heavy into her pink phase. So, as loving parents, we re-did her room. Talk about a NIGHTMARE. A solid week of steaming, scoring, and scraping this awful wallpaper from the walls. Then cleaning and washing over and over until we could finally prime and paint. All in all, it was probably two solid weeks to get it looking sparkling and fresh with a nice blush of pink on the walls. WELL, that didn’t last long- In about 6 months she decided she hated pink. I should have known it based on all the other times she had gone through phases, but it was frustrating none-the-less. So, when I saw this product, I thought: MAN! I could have used THAT! It was not the first time either. I have lived in dorms, rented apartments, my family even owned a wine shop for a time…all places that would have rocked with this material. So, the idea was born to bring Customized Walls to every frustrated parent re-doing a child’s room, every renter or leaser stuck with boring white walls, every business owner who wants to make their space custom and original quickly and painlessly, every family who changes out decor but wants to keep their home neutral in case they want to sell at some point, and the list could go on and on… I want to help people make their homes and spaces someplace they love and is original to them…So, I guess you could say I am sorta a super hero, right? ;)

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and getting to know me and my business.



 I don’t want to bore you so I will leave you with that. I would LOVE to hear more about YOU. Feel free to comment below and tell me about why you love interior design!