The Sound of Silence

As I sit watching the sun come up over the Golf of Mexico this morning, I stunned by a sound not often heard by a parent, the sound of silence.

This week, I am working from Venice, FL. My grandparents bought a beautiful beach condo in the late 80’s and as a teen and young adult, I would visit once a year in February. My grandparents always made the place so wonderful for us. There is a pool and a beach across the street. My Gram would get up and make us all breakfast every morning and my Grandpa would ask us what we wanted to do for the day: batting range, mini golf, beach…whatever…..Usually, I wanted to hit Beach or Sarasota Mall to shop and well, meet cute boys….Lets just say I have lots of good memories here 😉

The Pier by Sharkey’s Crew getting a little CRAZY!!
Body surfing FUN!

Interesting because we just do not often spend time alone and it makes me think of the time before we had kids (which it’s like I have mentally blocked and honestly don’t remember much of). And what it will be like when they are older…spending more time with friends than the ‘rents and going off to school.

Making a meal just for two, relaxing after dinner with a glass of wine, and not having to worry who brushed their teeth, got dressed, knows where their backpack is, etc… I highly recommend it. Since this is the longest my husband and I have been alone since the honeymoon, I think I lost sight of that.
Now, that I am a mother, I have been here with the kids for our vacations and I pretty much do for them what my grandparents did for me. I make it centered around good family fun. They love it and I really prefer it to hitting Orlando where all the parks are. It is slower and more restful and I can use that in my life.

Sand Angel

This time though, I am here tagging along on a business trip with my husband. He is working during the day…and so am I and my mum and her husband are watching the kids and taking care of all my responsibilities for the week at home. And I gotta tell you, I LOVE it! I really and I do mean REALLY love being a mum. I love the hugs and kisses and stories and just the whole excitement of having little ones around. Watching them grow and learn new things (especially when you teach them) is pretty awesome. What I don’t love so much is the fighting and bickering and complaining which with kids, let’s face it, is pretty much an every day thing. And for this week, I don’t have to hear it at all. I can’t even begin to tell you how relaxing and at the   same time interesting it is.

So, I guess I think ALL parents should try to do this once and while. Get away alone and just BE with each other. Reconnect with your spouse and with yourself….and try on that part of you that is just you…not taking care of someone else…

Something to think about…


Truly Custom Wallpaper and Murals

Hi All! Hope you are having a fun weekend. As usual, our family is mixing up our weekends with our business. I am particularly stoked about some of the work we are doing this week. 

We have busted out a few photo to murals- a gorgeous beach scene that will go in a family den and a pretty southwestern scene for an office…we also printed some cool graphics with text ( a tie dye for a little girl’s room and a modern abstract trees painting with a logo for a corporate office) AND one AMAZING 9 hr design job that was totally custom done and sprung from the imagination of one super cool grandmother for her expected grandbaby’s nursery……..It kind of has this really neat 60’s vibe with drippy lettering and wording and I must say it is MAGNIFICENT! 

This is part of it….not finished yet but looking so cool, huh?

One of our printers in action….zip, zip zip!


Cinque Terre, Italy photo wall mural sample for a distributor. I want this on MY wall!




I LOVE our logo…it just has not gotten old to me…I still love it!

So, if you are thinking that you would love to design something really unique for a room go ahead and email me at That really is the cool thing about customized walls…if you want purple popsicles, orange vintage fire trucks, or even a pattern featuring your beloved Yorkshire Terrier, Bitsy, we can do it. 

Feel free to:

Installation Video:

Top 10 Wall Murals to Beat the Winter Blues!

I don’t know about you but sometimes I can be seriously depressed in the winter when I step out my door and feel the ice cold chill in the air. Everything seems dead and dingy and I always look forward to a winter break somewhere warm and tropical.

In that vein, I present the TOP TEN WALL MURALS to beat those WINTER BLUES!


How can you not want this view on your office wall. Stuck inside all day, it can increase your productivity to look at something pretty. Why not this painting of the Amalfi Coast in Italy?


Ahhhh tropical waves lapping the rocky coast of Mexico. How can you be anything other than happy looking at this mural every day?


Everything about this photo SCREAMS relaxation (if you can do that). I would LOVE this in my bathroom!


A California Sunset! So gorgeous and could be yours even if the only thing you see out your windows is snow bankings!


Who wouldn’t want this view?…… and now you don’t have to rent a pricey room in Fiji in order to get it.


Now this is a long plank I wouldn’t mind walking. The clear waters and aged wooden pier would be a dream view in any room.


A rushing waterfall mural would be peaceful and relaxing in any room!


 Another AMAZING mural of truly snorkel worthy waters of Maldives. I know I won’t be able to make it there any time soon…Why not bring it to me?


A wave lapping a sandy beach. Will sweep you off your feet with this to die for wall art photograph.


And, last but not least, every room can use a bit of sunshine. Harness this mosaic for your very own wall mural. 

Hope this brightened your COLD day a bit. These photos sure brightened mine!!!

